The Joint Warfighter Medical Research Program (JWMRP) provides an opportunity to advance previously funded DoD or Service medical R&D projects that address the medical requirements of the Services. The JWMRP complements and enhances the Defense Health Program by facilitating the further development of promising industry and academic efforts. Each year a broad spectrum of R&D initiatives are considered under the JWMRP. The efforts are aligned to one of the six Joint Program Committee (JPC) scientific domains. These are: Medical Simulation and Information Sciences (JPC-1), Military Infectious Diseases (JPC-2), Military Operational Medicine (JPC-5), Combat Casualty Care (JPC-6), Radiation Health Effects (JPC-7), and Clinical and Rehabilitative Medicine (JPC-8). Through research efforts focused in advanced technology development and product demonstration and validation, the JWMRP offers a pathway to transition maturing medical solutions to the Military Health System (MHS) for the benefit of our Service members and other MHS beneficiaries. In accordance with the Congressional language, these funds shall be used to augment and accelerate high priority DoD and Service medical requirements and to continue prior year initiatives that are close to achieving their objectives and yielding a benefit to military medicine. These funds shall not be used for new projects or for basic research
Further information can be found at
Search Solicitation #: W81XWH-18-RFI-JWMRP